The them for this week's Mommy Moment is White. We don't have much white but here are some with a dash of white in them. First up is Ms. Burrito on top of the counter top. I taught her how to make rice in the rice cooker. I told her that she has to learn how to make so when I am sick she can do it for me. Now she volunteers to make every time she is home and I am in the kitchen to cook.
Below is her white lappy, she practices typing there. See how serious she is with bloging wahahahaha.
Below is an artist in the making. She just got up that time but she wants to do her shrinky dinks already. Thanks Mami Shy.
Here's Mr. Burrito, posing for me with the valentine pressies that he got from our neighbor.
The pizza crew in the kitchen.
The fashionista getting ready for the summer and a craftista sporting her heart paper.
The model and the saint hehehe. Sorry folks, if I brag too much about my kids. I just love them!
Who wouldn't love this aura? He is ornery sometimes but he is a really good boy.
These colorful chalks give so much entertainment to kids.
Lastly is a snowy white fun that we had with Champ.