Time flies! I feel like my children are starting to slip away from my grip. It seems like it was just yesterday when I became a Mom and now I have two growing up kids that are full of personalities. Oh boy, I think the age is showing on me already lol. Looking back at the
Birth Announcement Cards that we sent out when we had our babies makes me miss having small bundles of joy at home. My husband sometimes tells me that he wishes that we could have another one but I don't think I could handle another pregnancy. Both of my pregnancies were both hard so I really don't want to go through that again. My first born almost died at birth so it really scared me. But despite all the complications, children are precious gifts!
On a lighter note, getting pregnant is very exciting. Picking out the best designs of Baby Shower Invitations is a lot of fun especially nowadays where there are so many companies that offer a huge variety of beautiful designs and options. Basic Invite is one of the leading companies when it comes to invitation and cards. They have a big selection of designs for baby shower, birthday invitation, wedding invitations, and many moire special occasion. I've seen one design there that I really like for birth announcement. It says "Anchor Aweigh". I wish I could have had that when I had my son. My husband is a retired Navy so this could have been a perfect for my son's birthday announcement.
I can still remember when I sent out the
First Birthday Invitations for my daughter. I was still new here in the US so I only sent a few because I don't have many friend yet. It was a very exciting moment for us to see our first born turned one, now she is almost 10 years old. She will be ten next month which led me to the question, where did the time go? I was just thinking, in five years, we will have a teen driver and it makes me sad, scared, and happy at the same time.
But anyway, if you are looking for some unique design for cards or invitation, check out Basic Invite. They definitely have a great selection for any occasion. Check out the photo below. I like the simplicity and elegance of it. Oh, don't forget to check out their baby shower invites, they are having a 40% sale until Sunday, just use the code BABY40. Lastly, you can enjoy a 15% everything when you use the code 15FF51.

3 travelers' comments:
Yes, they are! Your have two beautiful children and by the way it looks, you are raising them well.
I totally agree. And you have the sweetest kids in town.
Children surely a blessing. They keep you on your toes a lot. I hope you handle the third addition better than I did when she made her grand arrival. I still feel out-numbered to much.
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