Thursday, May 16, 2013

Weekend activity ideas for your family

Weekends provide the perfect amount of time for families to engage in fun and wholesome activities that will strengthen the bonds between family members while also leading to man wonderful memories. For this reason, it is always important for you to have a few ideas on hand so that you can gather your family and enjoy the beautiful weekend days. By inviting your family along on new activities, you will be able to keep things interesting. If you are looking for some new ways to spend time with your family, then you will want to check out these ideas.

Visit a Museum

On days when the weather may be slightly gloomy, it can be tempting to stay inside. However, there are many fun activities that can be enjoyed inside of your community’s buildings. Museums are a popular attraction that can offer you a way to provide an educational experience for your family without being boring. People of all ages can enjoy viewing art, scientific discoveries and relics from the past while enjoying their tour of the museum.

Take a Road Trip

Although a major vacation may be out of the realm of possibility for a weekend jaunt, it is still possible to enjoy a short road trip. Simply check out your local map to find a location that will be interesting to your family. Campsites, hiking trails and historical markers are all a few of the most popular places for families to travel within only a short drive. If your family enjoys music, then a trip to a nearby city could offer you a chance to enjoy seeing your favourite artist.

Enjoy a Bicycle Ride

For many families, fitting in exercise throughout the week can be challenging because school and work responsibilities often get in the way. This can be remedied by encouraging your family to get some physical activity while also keeping it fun for everyone. A bicycle ride is one way to engage your family while getting outside to enjoy the beautiful weather. Simply make sure that each member has a bicycle equipped with safety gear, and everyone has a bike best suited for them, so the adults have bikes suited to adults and the kids have bikes for kids. Then, head outside and have fun on your ride.

Pack a Picnic

Most families eat together every night; however, eating in the same place can quickly grow old. Instead of dining at the dinner table, take your family to a nearby playground and have a picnic. To do so, be sure to pack an ice chest with plenty of delicious treats that everyone will enjoy. If you prefer to eat a hot meal, then take along some meat for a barbeque. Then, enjoy the fun and conversation while you cook. For active families, taking along a bike or flying disc can provide hours of entertainment that can keep your picnic going on well into the evening.
Finding new ideas for a weekend adventure will help you to keep your family fun days exciting for everyone. When doing so, be sure to let some ideas become family traditions such as weekend bike rides. This way, you will always have something special to do with the people you love most.

15 travelers' comments:

Tamara @ Mommyland said...

These are some great ideas, Thank you for them I have a day off this weekend may have to try one of these thank you

Rebecca said...

we love going on car rides and just taking a road to see where it leads

Taty said...

Great list!
Simple pleasures are the best

Anonymous said...

Lots of great ideas, I love getting out with my family.

Trendy Cyndie said...

I love going on mini trips like this

Corinne said...

Great ideas for getting outdoors. We also like to make up little contests or obstacle courses using cones, hula hoops, and balls.

jheylo said...

Family bonding and outdoor activities really goes together. You all look like you had fun.

Anonymous said...

Fun! I love having picnics and spending time in nature.

Unknown said...

i would love to take my family on a picnic.:)

mommy Orkid Belle said...

These are some lovely family time photos mommy.. :) Tim and I talked about taking a bike trip someday when the kids are old enough to have their own bike. We thought of taking off to a town somewhere and park our vehicle safe, then take off on a bike from their and bike ride for days. I think that would be amazing. LOL! : Love the photos.

MikiHope said...

Museums are a great place to go--and there are many now that have kid friendly sections where the kids can touch and learn!

amiableamy said...

Great tips ... bonding and creating lasting memories ... family will surely have a wonderful time together.

Nova said...

Aren't those things simple yet, they are very nice to bond with the family

Healy Harpster said...

Thank's for these ideas, will surely need this summer!

Marms @ Travel and Lifestyle said...

Weekend trips are fun. We like going to the park.

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