Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sun Catchers

 My daughter had  a four day weekend last week due to Veteran's Day and  Parents-Teachers Meeting so I have to come up with a project that they  can do.  We went to the Dollar Tree and bought a pack of this Sun Catchers  Christmas kit.  
 I am glad that Mr. Burrito is showing interest in doing arts now.  He is also starting to draw faces and other stuff.
 Simple things like this can really  keep them busy and  hone their creativity.  This is better than just letting your kids just watch TV.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

27 travelers' comments:

Chubskulit Rose said...

Thanks for taking time to leave your thoughts.

Tami @ Creative girl Vintage said...

Hi Rose...It is so wonderful that the children enjoy crafting!
Happy Pink Saturday..xo Tami

LV said...

It is wonderful you are teaching your children the right way to entertain themselves. Great job.

Unknown said...

i agree with u. better than playing w/their pspor toiling with an ipad. thumbs up for u, u always have great ideas for the kids to do.

Linda M. said...

Happy Pink Saturday, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Those Christmas ornaments will make great decorations to hang every year. Linda

pinkkandy said...

Well, I can hardly believe it is Thanksgiving already. Seems like we just planted our flowers...I am so very thankful for many ways God has blessed me...I give HIM all the Glory!I ask for many blessings to come your way through this holiday season!

Katya kate said...

that's a cool project to spend their long weekend! it sure stimulates their creativity and should be fun!

Dhemz said...

waaaaaaaa...parang similar to kay akesh sis...we bought it at the dollar store too...ehehehe!

buti pa si Rye off sya last Veterans day....:)

Ralph said...

When little, our kids did many a home art project. It allows their fingers to become more nimble and their minds expand. Nice!

nuts said...

ang seryoso ni EJ, ang cute, hihi..
now lang ako naka singit konte online, kaya rush lahat ng post ko. hope to get back online real soon.
hugs to the kids!

Jennifer @ Town and Country Living said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your family is beautiful!

Shirl said...

Hello, Happy Pink Saturday! Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment. Love your post this week!
Hugs, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

It's so nice to see your children doing brings back memories of when my children were young! Happy Pink Saturday! said...

It is nice to see children doing something besides sitting in front of a t.v. or computer! Good photos.

T... said...

great photos and glad to see others are thinking about Christmas....have a great week
thank you for stopping by my blog :)

Dianne said...

arts and crafts are fun and educational
I love how focused they both are

Happy Thanksgiving :)

Eden said...

I agree with you Rose. It is ood to keep them busy than watching tv all the time. Beautiful photos.

Liz said...

My kids and I used to do those projects too.

Have a fabulous week.

Liz @ MLC

Seow wei said...

This is really a good idea for me, when my daughter grow up a bit, I will sure to buy this for her,now she just two years old, I don't think she need it now.

CanadianGardenJoy said...

Rose this is such a cute project for the kids : ) and your turkey shadow is perfect : )

SmilingSally said...

Thanks for sharing your bis of blue.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Blue Monday, Rose.

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

Rose, how fun! What is your shadow shot, anyway?

Hope that you guys have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Kathy M.

Cassie said...

Sweet little ShadowShots! Your kiddos are so cute. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!!

NatureFootstep said...


joyh82 said...

i remember making those as a kid..very fun. Happy Blue Monday!

Marie said...

Mr. Burito is so cute! :)

Inger-M said...


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