Friday, December 12, 2014

Finding our Way through the Rain

Last Saturday was our daughter's first performance  in Duquesne University for the music program she's taking.  The tunnel going to Pittsburgh was closed that day so we had to drive  all the way to McKee's Rock to go to Pittsburgh.  We left early because we did not want to be late.  It was raining as well so it wasn't  the prettiest day to go somewhere but we were all excited.  
 Rylie was  nervous but I wasn't, which surprised me because I am always nervous when she have to perform lol.
 Ej and I used to not go when she has to take her classes there on Saturday but since it was her first performance there, we did not want to miss it. Besides, hubby doesn't like taking pictures lol.
 While waiting, we took our time to take  pictures.

 Looking at the photos here, I came to realized, my kids are almost my size!  Time do fly by so fast!
 The tunnel going back to Weirton was open so it  was easy  coming back home than going there.
I can tell that our daughter was a bit stressed out that week but glad that it's over and that she did well on her performance.  If you haven't seen the video yet, you may check on it at my Music blog.  Thanks for visiting!

10 travelers' comments:

Ashley Gill said...

I love seeing the pictures of you with your family! You all looks so great! It's a sad day when we realize our children are our size. They grow way too fast, indeed.

Jessica Cassidy said...

Those are nice views Sis :-) Congrats to the pretty Ms. Burrito on another successful performance.

Anonymous said...

You guys look wonderful! I love all the photography photos as well and I'm glad she was successful in her performance! You have some great kids!

Unknown said...

Your pictures of you and your family are always so awesome. Your little girl seems like she has plenty of confidence. Not to worry mommy. She's got this.

MikiHope said...

They really are getting a lot taller-time flies by so fast when you are having fun! I am glad she did well on her performance and that you were all there to cheer her on.

Cherry said...

Wow! Rylie is so talented. Kanino nagmana sis? Hehe! Beautiful family pictures... *heart eyes*

Dhemz said...

awww..what a lovely family....glad to know that it went well! parang mag sisters lang kau ni Rye sis...she's getting taller each time I see her pics!

papaleng said...

Nice photos. You have a lovely family. Just asking, kanino kaya nagmana ang dalaga mo?

Raquel said...

The weather didn’t look that great in the picture, but I hope the performance made up for it. Beautiful family pictures.

Maria Teresa Figuerres said...

I'm sure Rylie performed well because she's really talented. Beauty and talent, what a nice combination!

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