One of the many advantages that technology bring to us is the convenience of doing stuff online. Be it shopping, booking your hotel accommodation, flight schedule booking, online dating, and even sports betting. One of the advantages that I love is the instant communication. I just chatted with my two sisters from the Philippines and I am so happy that I got the chance to as I miss them so much!

Happy 20th Birthday Sissy. I miss you!
13 travelers' comments:
Yes I agree. The internet has revolutionize the way we do our daily work. specially communication is much easier and cheep if you have internet.
It always amazes me when someone can just pick up the phone and call another country or call them from their computer and actually see them while they are talking--this is certainly a brave new world to me!!
Happy Birthday to your sis
That is so awesome that you can communicate with your sisters. The internet is amazing and helps us all stay in contact with our loved ones. Happy Birthday to your sister too!
I love how technology allows us to communicate with those that are so far from us.
That is a great feature of technology. I am sure it is hard being so far from your family. Happy Birthday to your sister.
I chat on-line on a daily basis. It is great to communicate with those who live so far away. We had a video chat with my husband's family at Christmas and his 92 year old Nana was so happy to see us. It was just the most touching thing to witness.
Thanks to technology for helping us bring our family closer though we live thousands of miles away from home.
happy birthday to your sister! i am too is enjoying the benefits of online communication.:)
She's pretty sis. I do that with my sissy too. We use Skype. Your sis is 1 year younger than my sis :D
I am thankful with technology as it brings our family from far away closer. Happy birthday to your sis.
like you i have constant communication with my older sister in PI too.
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