Learning is a continuous process. It is like loving someone. We should never stop doing both. We can learn from our daily interaction with other people, from watching TV and from reading, we even learn from our small children, but the most important thing that we should learn is the lesson from our mistakes.
I was 28 years old when I graduated college which I thought I won't be able to achieve but through perseverance, hard work and spiced with faith in God, I made it. Although I already have a job, I still want to further my education so I can have a part time job like teaching one or two subjects in school. Being the bread winner of the family I have to make more income so I'd be able to send my siblings to school. So I work on daytime and goes to school at night. There's no time for love sabi nga nila.
I was busy with my thesis writing (September 2002) when I met this guy from Asian Matchmaker site (Thank you very much Ruth). The student assistant in our office, Ms. Ruth Interno, told me to make a profile in that site but I just laughed and told her that I am so busy. She told me that she's gonna make me one and I said "Okay" thinking that she was just kidding but I was wrong. She really made me one and even posted a picture of me, so I went with the flow and added some description of myself there.
On the last day of my free trial 7th day), I had this feeling that I have to check my account, so I did and sure enough there's one message waiting for me. It was like a frantic message saying "Please send me an email to this email add". So that's what I did and I learned that his free trial was expiring in minutes before he found my profile.
On the last day of my free trial 7th day), I had this feeling that I have to check my account, so I did and sure enough there's one message waiting for me. It was like a frantic message saying "Please send me an email to this email add". So that's what I did and I learned that his free trial was expiring in minutes before he found my profile.
Three months after that he came to see me (March 2003), it was during my graduation, yessssssss my masters degree.. Whoa that was tough! He was my escort when I went up the stage to get my diploma. Thanks God I made it! And thanks to my dear husband John who supported me all the way (financially, emotionally, and spiritually).
28 travelers' comments:
Ahh what a sweet romance, May tinadhana talaga ang Lord for you tsang bakla. I didn't know you finished your masters tsang, saludo talaga ako sayo. Ako 9 units lng yata kasi sa first 9 units ko i stopped hehehehe you know na tamad char, Pahawa ka naman sa akin sa kasipagan mo tsang lol. Buhay mo talaga tsang parang ang ganda ng cycle, from working so hard to finished school, got a job, then finished masters lastly, got married. Do you have plans of applying for teaching job here? kung malaki na mga makukulit mo? you should bakla kasi sayang naman.
Love is important and so is education. Interesting story!
Great, you achieved both in personal and professional life.
Applause to your husband, John.
I love your story. You're so determined and has a positive outlook in life. Kaya ka pinagpala, hehehe...
Cute ang love story mo. Great to know how much you love each other ;-)
And oh, I love Celine Dion, too. I'm one of her greatest fans...
This is the inspiring real story. It is so true that we should learn the lesson from our mistakes in life.
You had to support the family financially while you were studying., that was ready hard. One day,that was the turning point that someone encouraged you and you finally get your degree because of the love.
You did because of your perseverance, hard work and faith.
Have the nice day.
inspiring story Rose. This will surely can give incouragement to other.
thanks for sharing
Hello there!
Kindly update your listings/blog rolls/ link list/ blog directories..
pehpot.blogspot.com is now GOSSIP MOM
MAKE OR BREAK now have its own domain:www.pehpot.com
PLease update your listings and add or change the said blogs.. rest assured that your link/ blog is listed on both blogs..
Thanks a lot and have a great week ahead of you!
Make or Break
I love your story, really inspiring!And I like your points of view in life.
wow this is good achievement of you, anyway I subscribe to your blog hope you will do the same..
Ang sarap basahin.....I can't think of the exact words of what should I comment for this....
I hope and pray that your family are always safe and full of love and happiness...:) Thank you for always visiting my blog even if I neglect to visits yours...have a nice day...
its like a cinderella story......lol
i admired u mads keep it up...
hello! You have a cute love story. I am happy you have found your love! Best wishes. learning is a never ending process. glad you didnt give up on schooling.
That's sweet! I think I'd probably start making a profile so that I could catch my prince. (yours is a knight, hehehe) :)
am so proud of you sistah...God is good! visit here today...very inspiring entries!
You are very lucky to have love on your side, so many people don't. Treasure it and don't ever take it for granted.
This is such a beautiful story, glad it had a happy ending. Congratulations on you achieving your masters degree.
ang ganda ng love story mo Rose. i always love reading everything you posted here.
thanks for sharing
sarap basahin tong love story nato...ang tadhana nga naman.....sabi ko sayo sis gawa ka ng compilation....hehehe..this is an awesome story.....:) dami mo na achievements sa buhay....way to go....:)
Wow...what an amazing story...loved reading it..you write very well.
Thanks for visiting my blog....very nice to meet you..thanks to blogger world...hope to see more of each other.
Good evening Mommy Rose!
I have something for you,so please mind of visiting here....http://adualcareermom.blogspot.com/2009/08/you-are-inspirational-womans-blog.html
A huge thanks in advance:)
nice love story :) , so nice to be inlove....kilig au haa
awwwww. super kilig naman ahihi.. so talagang tinadhana kayo ni daddy John :)
Thanks for updating your link ha
There is a she bloggers meet up on August 13, I hope you can come or if not, please help us spread the word :)
Make or Break
Coagulation to you get status academic :)
Off topic, but I wanted to respond to your questions at Chrysalis. Thanks for posting the Marriage Monday button in your sidebar. Would you like to join the Marriage Monday blogroll? If so, please email me at marriagemonday at gmail dot com.
Also, you are more than welcome to join us (late) this month. Just leave your link in my comment box on today's post. I hope you can join us again next month too!
Thanks for stopping by again, and it's nice to meet you.
e-Mom @ Chrysalis
wow, how sweet!
I really love your story! Have something for u http://laiza-piecesofme.blogspot.com/2009/08/kreative-blogger.html . TC.:)
wow sis, inspiring story!dami talga nagkatuluyan sa mga ganun. Para sa iyo talaga si John hehehe!
It's nice to see how you persevered in your studies and how you found your husband.
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