Wednesday, May 8, 2013

4 Reasons To Create A Family Photo Album

Family is a very important reason to create a photo album. You will want to remember each event or each person in a special way. The years go by so fast, but if you have taken the time to create a special family album, you will be able to look back on all the memories that brought tears and joy to your life.

Organise Memories

Many people store photos in boxes through the years. A better alternative for organising photo memories is to create a family photo album. These photos will be more organised, and you can display the albums so that you can share the memories with others. Each photo can be labelled with captions to record the names, dates and occasion for each photo. In addition, a photo album will take up less space than the boxes do, and the photos can be arranged in chronological order or in categories making them easier to find and view.

Relive Events

You can relive happy events such as beautiful weddings, special birthday parties, new babies, graduations and other events with a tangible photo album. The album allows you to remember these events by providing you with a tangible source to view the event. You will be able to relive each event and celebrate the special memories in a unique way.

Unique Gifts

Family photo albums make unique gifts to give to children, grandchildren and parents to remind them of happy times. You can make a photo album of your child’s life events to give to his or her spouse as a way to include him or her in your child’s growing up years. This unique gift allows families to preserve all of the important moments in life. In addition, if someone moves away from home to go to college or to create a new family, the gift of a family photo album can help him or her feel closer to the family when he or she is far away from home.

Inspires Conversation

A beautiful displayed photo album on a coffee table can inspire conversation between family and friends. The album will be a chance for you to show off your family to friends when they visit. You can show them what each family member has achieved in his or her life. In addition, children can be entertained with a small photo album during car rides or other events. They love to look at family pictures of fun times together.

The main reason to create a family photo album is to preserve precious memories of important events in the lives of each family member. You can start by collecting photos, and create a special photo album to share with others throughout the years to commemorate those special days together. You can create a photo album for each event, or you can create one to preserve each family member’s life in a special personal photo album. You can design a beautiful cover for each album to make the gift of a family photo album more special.

For further help you can check out a local photographer in brisbaneand let them take control of those special moments shared at birthdays, parties, basic family photos or even anniversaries.
Author Bio: Joanna is a Brisbane resident who is currently studying photography herself. She writes blogs to inspire other beginner photographers and loves travelling, shopping and hanging out with friends.

16 travelers' comments:

MikiHope said...

My Mom has about 60 picture albums!! I have none LOL--She brings them out every chance she gets!

Rhodesia said...

What would I have done with out my parents taking photos and keeping an album? My life before Charente would not have happened :-(( Take care Diane

Unknown said...

I make a family album every year. I'm so glad that I started this tradition several years ago because the kids grow up so fast and it brings back memories every time I look at them. It's fun to come across pictures from events we have forgotten about.

Trendy Cyndie said...

i need to get my photo albums in order. This s just lovely

Anonymous said...

We have lots of albums of family. But I am not a good scrapbooker. to impatients.
Kelli Avery

Rebecca said...

i miss the old days of taking actually real pictures instead of digital

Melinda Dunne said...

My son and I just went through all of the scrapbooks I have made. It was great spending the day talking about old memories.

Tamara W said...

Thank you for the reminders. I have failed in this area I will have to get busy thanks :)

Anonymous said...

I have been trying to do this since I became a mom 16 years ago. I am thinking at this point it will be a retirement hobby.

Nova said...

Like you, I kept pictures in the hard copy, love to keep watching them over and over.

Marie said...

I have probably around 20 thousand photos, Sick I know lol I have 75% on disc though, havent printed them yet. I keep using any free codes to print them though when I can lol it would cost a small fortune to print them all.

Redlane Geraine said...

The last time I had photos printed was in April. Looking at the album over and over was such a joy. I need to print more.

cassandrasminicorner said...

I have albums and need more to put the kids pictures. Photos are very important, it hold a special memories.

Unknown said...

i love photo albums. it is very personal. especially if you add notes to it:)

amiable amy said...

Back in the philippines, i love making a personalized album with my family and friends. I added some cute stuffs and little detail ... Now, with technology, it stuck in the chips. I would find time soon..

Mommy Liz said...

I love creating family albums and look back at it when I want to see all my kids and family back home.

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