Monday, April 22, 2013

5 fields of work most suited for new moms

1. Telephone Services

There are many companies that hire telecommuting telephone workers for their telephone services. These companies can include answering services, telemarketing, and customer support jobs, so it can be easy to find a perfect fit for any worker. A wireless headset can be used to manage phone calls which means a new mom can perform their work while keeping both hands free for their child and their home. Most of these telephone services allow workers to choose how many hours they work and to schedule times according to their needs.

2. Content Writing

Content writing can be a great way to make extra money any hour of the day, which includes when the baby is sleeping. There are many different online marketplaces where a writer can sell their content, and writers can specialize in areas that they know about such as child care. Eventually a freelance writer who does well can build up their own clientele and take orders direct from the clients. This enables the writer to make sure that their work flows steadily. A freelance writer can choose to work as many hours as they wish, which makes this an extremely flexible form of work.

3. Transcription

For those with the attention span and the speedy fingers, transcription can be a great way to make very good money at home. Online transcription works by sending the transcriber an audio file or video file. The transcriber then listens to this file and writers down what was said. Transcription is difficult and it's not for everyone, but those that can handle the work can make money whenever they want to, including while taking care of their new baby.

4. Child Care

Child care can be a great way for a new mom to make extra money, because they are already dealing with their own child. A new mom can have other children dropped off to her to watch, and child care can pay extremely well. Many new mothers know other mothers who have just had their children, and many of those mothers will be very excited to have someone they trust watch their children. If a new mother does decide to embark in child care they do need to make sure that they can handle the extra load and take care not to take on too many children at once. Different states have different regulations about this.

5. Personal Assisting

Many employers are now looking online for personal assistants to take dictation, schedule their appointments, and perform other small tasks. Personal assisting work can be done at your own home and many employers will allow the assistant to set their own hours. Personal assisting does require that the new mother set some specific hours and work when the employer needs them, but the work can be a steady and reliable source of income.

If none of these sounds interesting to you, consider taking a Certificate IV in OHS Occupational Health and Safety and become a Workplace Safety Manager. 

 Written by Jasmine Gadd for HBA Learning Centre Australia.

13 travelers' comments:

Anonymous said...

This is definitely a great list for all the moms out there trying to figure out a way to stay home with the kiddos while also earning a few extra bucks! Great post.

Kelli Avery

Marie said...

Great share for moms! I love earning bucks online!! :) it makes life so much easier.

Trendy Cyndie said...

What some great ideas. I used to do child care at home.

Melinda Dunne said...

I would love to be able to work from home but haven't found a company that really does that where I live.

Unknown said...

awesome list! definitely of great help for new moms who want to earn at home.:)

Anonymous said...

I would love to check into some of these, thank you for the list.

Andrea said...

I looked into child care after my kids were born. I never really found anything, but I would have loved to.

cassandrasminicorner said...

If I am going to try, I would choose the child care as I do have a great experience when it comes to it.

Nova said...

Good Ideas to share, there are so many things we can do on this country, its the matter of how we proceed them and compromise as well. thanks for sharing

amiable amy said...

There is job out there ... if one is resourceful enough and yep, these are not for everyone. I salute those who mastered these type of jobs.

Mommy Liz said...

Yes Ma'am, there's a lot of ways for new moms to make money at home. I used to want to have a child care here at the house, but hubby says, nope. He doesn't want me to be responsible for other others kids and besides, I have so many kids of my own to take care of already :)

Chubskulit Rose said...

I do agree Liz, I used to take care of a friend's baby when my kids aren't in school yet but I gave it up when they started school because I got busy. Just like you, hubby did not like the idea because it holds us of going somewhere whenever the baby is with me.

MaiThreeBoyz said...

I agree with number 3, transcription really is hard work. but once you get used to it and you improved, it gets easier. and you can be promoted to QA or reviewer or editor, where you just edit other people's work. like any other job, you start at the bottom.

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