Monday, May 30, 2011

Trinity Hospital North

The cancer surgery that my brother-in-law Dave had in UPMC Pasavanth was infected so he was rushed to Trinity Hospital North in Steubenville. He stayed there for a week to have the infection treated and also to gain weight from the diet that the doctors were giving him. He came home yesterday, thanks everyone for keeping my BIL in your prayers. He is undergoing chemotherapy now and is responding well to it.
He was happy when we visited him because he doesn't have anyone to talk to there.  He told his wife to go home that day so she could rest.
On our way home, we gave the kids some  treat at Dairy Queen located in the area.
Happy Memorial Day everyone!

32 travelers' comments:

Marana said...

yummy treat for the kids :)

Marana said...

visiting for FT..hope you can check mine :) Goofing in front of webcam

Anonymous said...

hi! great to see you still have a great family bonding time despite illness in your family. may your BIL completely recover :D take care!

OHotel Getaway and Family Pictorial

Unknown said...

Family support will help your BIL to fight the cancer, and he is lucky to have you and your family bading so supportive of him. Will pray for him that he will be able to fight the cancer.

LadyD Piano said...

I love the photo collage of your beautiful family. Praying for your family member. Thanks for stopping by today.

Liz said...

Praying for your BIL.

My RUBY link.

Cedar said...

Hope the treatment does well for your BIL--cancer is very difficult. Looks like you had a nice visit and day which is what life is all about.

Thank you for visiting my Mellow Yellow.

Eden said...

Glad to know your BIL is recovering well.

Yummy treats.. Gusto ko din yan.hehehe

genny said...

what a day with the family. visiting you back sis..:-)

purethoughts said...

wooo! i love dairy queen! i love ms. buritto's expressions.. hehehe

visit my family time too, sis

and also, please don't forget to share your whites tomorrow at

hope to see you!!!


Anonymous said...

May he recover fast from this trouble...

Chie Wilks said...

great family time sis. diba okay na itong brother in law mo?

here for MYM, thanks sa visit

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...


☺lani☺ said...

Great bonding no matter what... praying for Bill's recovery!

gigi said...

Prayers. And what a great way to spend Memorial day. I'm sure your BIL loved having yall visit and I know the kids enjoyed the ice cream.

Unknown said...

mabuti naman at umigi na kunti si BIL mo Rose...anyway, patawa yang mag-ama mo sa last pic heheeh.

xinex said...

Looks like you all had a great memorial day. Sorry about your BIL but I am glad he is responding to treatment...Christine

Dhemz said...

full support talaga ang buong fam...hope the chemo will help him fight the cancer...yummy treats!

Lina Gustina said...

Hope the chemo can help to recover your BIL...

Sorry for my late visit

Rek Sesh said...

Lovely snaps and yummy treats...hope your BIL gets better.

Roger Owen Green said...

indection is a major problem at US hospitals, too. best to BIL.

 gmirage said...

Si miss buritto oh, hahah cute expression!

Sis, visiting late (generic comment) I found most comments in my spam folder, I may or may not have commented before but i just wanna say thanks for visiting my entry. enjoy the rest of the week! -Mirage

Kim, USA said...

Buti nalang at na agapan ang infection. Pray for Dave's fast recovery! Like the last photo hehehe!

Mel Alarilla said...

I am still praying for the divine healing of your BIL. By the stripes of Jesus he is healed. Amen. You have wonderful pictures when you visited your BIL at the hospital. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

Leovi said...

Beautiful and wonderful images. I like those ice giants. Greetings.

EnAirRaH said...

Good to hear that your Brother in law is going well Ate Rose, love Dairy Queen too, yummy.

Meikah said...

Family support is really awesome! It shows here. :)

Will keep your BIL in our prayers, too.

Please check out my RT here.

Taj_maan said...

what a lovely family you have there. i like the DQ part. the ice cream looks yummy!!

Lainy said...

I will keep praying for your BIL's speedy recovery, Rose.

Lovely photos to boost! Love them all, Rose.

BTW, my Nostalgia entry is up now. Kindly link it up Rose. I will be out of the country and I might not be able to link it up. I will check out the other entries for Nostalgia when I get back. Here's the link:

Thank you and see yah!



Yami said...

Hi sis, dropping by. I hope your brother in law will get well soon.

Xanne said...


I'm praying that your BIL will be better soon.

Your kids are so cute and the whole family looks so happy despite what is happening in your husband's family.

thank you for visiting my blog and commenting on my post.

have a great day!

btw, I'm now a follower :)

Anonymous said...

Great photos. I will pray for your BIL.

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