When we visited Wellsburg, West Virginia in June, for my husband's Veteran interview, we happened to met a Filipina. We asked her where the museum was since we got a little lost and we were looking for it on foot. We exchanged contacts and we added each other on facebook. Few weeks after iur meeting, she asked me if we would like to buy fresh eggs from the farm. I immediately said yes because we love fresh eggs from the farm. I told her that we can pick it up so she gave us her address.
She live a little ways in the sticks and as our luck has it with direction, it was hard for us to find it. Besides, our GPS took us to the wqrong house! We called her and she gave us direction to find her in-laws who live on the road before her house. We passed through that (again) and then we turned around. It was a hard drive because it was raining so hard.
We finally found her in-laws house and her Mo=m-in-law tried to explain to us how to get there but her Dad-in-law was very nice to led us to the actual house. I am so glad that he did because I don't think we could have found it ourselves lol.
They live in a farm in Cross Creek and it was beautiful out there! It's the kind of living I am dreaming to have. I love a house with a big land so I can plant all the veggies that I love to eat. I also would like to raise farm anuimals, just like when I was growing up.
She gave us a tour in their farm. They have chicken coopsm bee yard or apiary, and quail farm house. They have some hens and two roosters. She said that they used to just let the chicken loose but the fox are eating them so they now keep them safe in the coop. She told us that they used to have quail but they let them go in the wild. The apiary is a new thing for me, I have never seen a bee yard in person before. Growing ip. we would find beehives from trees and my father would get them.
The last thing that we went to is where their cows and hunting dogs were.
They have plenty of cows and they are all feed with corn that they also grow from their farm.
This is the machine where they process the corn that they feed to their cow.

Thank you so much Eden for welcoming us to your home, we had a great time out there. I do believe that my kids would do just fine if we live in the farm. They love being around farm anmals.
We finally found her in-laws house and her Mo=m-in-law tried to explain to us how to get there but her Dad-in-law was very nice to led us to the actual house. I am so glad that he did because I don't think we could have found it ourselves lol.
They live in a farm in Cross Creek and it was beautiful out there! It's the kind of living I am dreaming to have. I love a house with a big land so I can plant all the veggies that I love to eat. I also would like to raise farm anuimals, just like when I was growing up.
She gave us a tour in their farm. They have chicken coopsm bee yard or apiary, and quail farm house. They have some hens and two roosters. She said that they used to just let the chicken loose but the fox are eating them so they now keep them safe in the coop. She told us that they used to have quail but they let them go in the wild. The apiary is a new thing for me, I have never seen a bee yard in person before. Growing ip. we would find beehives from trees and my father would get them.
The last thing that we went to is where their cows and hunting dogs were.
They have plenty of cows and they are all feed with corn that they also grow from their farm.
The kids got the chance to feed the cows. This is the second time they experience this as we were invited last year to a friend's farm as well.
My son saw this ornery cow and said "Whoa he is trying to ride on the other one" , my husband murmured "He is trying to make beef", lol.
We picked the wrong day to go there as it was a wet and rainy day. Nevertheless, we had fun! Eden took us to this beautiful lake with so many blooming lilies. These water lilies reminds me of Korea. Eden mentioned that they are planning to remove them but I said "I would keep it" if I were them. I mean, it adds beauty to their farm. Not many farm has it.
This is the tractor we all rode in to get to the cow farm and see the other side of the farm.This is the machine where they process the corn that they feed to their cow.
We only paid for the eggs but Eden also gave us some ground beef and a big jar of honey. I tell you, farm eggs tasted really different from those we buy from the store. The beef are sp lean it is so much better than the commercially packed meat!
The honey brings me back to my childhood memory. It tastes so much better from the store bought honey.
Thank you so much Eden for welcoming us to your home, we had a great time out there. I do believe that my kids would do just fine if we live in the farm. They love being around farm anmals.
10 travelers' comments:
That is a truly memorable experience. I have never been on a real working farm before, so thanks for the insight on how it works.
I miss living on a farm. I grew up on a farm that my dad and stepmom still live on today. I live in the city now and hate every mintue of it.
What a beautiful place! I've always wanted to live on a farm. It looks so beautiful!
I've heard farm eggs are different, but I've been afraid to try. I'm not quite sure why because not that long ago, we wouldn't have had a choice.
I'd love to take my son to visit a farm. Sounds like a wonderful and memorable experience for your family.
This looks like an awesome experience for you all indeed. I love the cow trying to ride the other cow and your husband murmuring the cow was trying to make beef. lol Out of the mouth of babes for sure. I had a few aunts who had farms when I was growing up but don't really remember visiting them to much. Thanks for sharing.
What a fun day to spend outdoors and being one with nature as a family! it is times like this that bring the most memories and the smiles say it all! Family is very precious to me!
It does look like a great day out. My son is scared of even the littlest of dogs, so I'm not sure how he'd do on a farm, ha! :)
The lilly pads are just too cute. I love all your photos. What a fun day!
I would really love to see what it's like to live on a farm, even for a day. I've always wanted a farm of my own, but I think I wouldn't be able to do it. It's such intense hard work.
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