Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Internet Bliss

Having Internet is great, it makes everything so easy. You can do pretty much everything online, from shopping to applying for a job, paying bills, reading news, watching your favorite shows and movies, listening to music, researching, you name it.

I will be forever grateful that Internet was launched. These are the memorable things I got online:

  • My daughter's middle name
  • My son's first name
  • Did most of the researches for my thesis
  • Learned to cook from the recipes online
  • Made a lot of friends
  • Made my immigration stuff quicker
  • And it's the reason why I am living happily and complete now because through Internet, I found the love of my life!
  • How about you, are you glad that Internet emerged?

40 travelers' comments:

Malou said...

hi dearest ganda ng layout natin ah... san mo nakuha 'to?

laurencia said...

:)wow ... so you met your soul mate in internet ....great ... hohoho;)

hannah said...

aba.. bagong blog? hehehe.. hi sis.. daan daan ako.. i totally agree.. dami matututunan sa internet diba?

faye said...

makiaagi mads

U.Lee said...

Hi Rose, I was a Systems Analyst on IBM 360/20 main frame computers...but later switched jobs and forgot all about computers.
Among my friends, I was the last to have a computer at home.

Then one day a friend gave me his old 14 inch pc as he had bought a new one, and the rest is history....
and I long ago wanted to destroy all my old, faded diaries...almost!
When I accidentally came across the word, 'Blog'. Not knowing what a blog is, I busybody into several bloggers pages and the rest again is old diaries now coming in useful, ha ha.
Love the color of this blog page, best regards,....that's a beautiful family pic, Lee.

Rummuser said...

Internet is also divine intervention Rose! Count your blessings. Congratulations and all the best.:)

NB said...

I was really ignorant about computer dahil wala naman yan sa panahon namin. It was last only April when my daughter taught me how to operate cp and blogging. I gain so many friends at enjoy na enjoy ako.

sunny said...

wow new look rose.....! agree rose, laking tulong ng internet,hehehehe! dati kelngan mo p bumili ng limpak limpak n encyclopdia n npkamhal,heheheheh! bilis ng technology tlga!!!

pchi said...

o true... the Internet literally revolutionized almost everything... and yes, the best part of all, you met hubby


Kat said...

Hello, how are you doing?? :D

Cool! You met your hubby through the net? :D

I love the internet too. It may sound a little pathetic, but my boyfriend asked to be a couple via the net, coz we're countries apart! haha Without the net, continuing our relationship would've been really difficult.

I also look for news, recipes, gift ideas, tips - even order and shop online! I could practically live infront of my PC! :D haha

Pity though that some people are not so keen about the internet.

bloguebo said...

You have a happy family. God bless!

pasti said...

cute mga anak nyo he he he

johnlazy said...

wow mam, im glad you've found the happiness of your life take care always!

raincindy said...

cute family picture..All of you looks so happy =)

LazyKing said...

Haa, internet, I absolutely have NO idea what I was going to do without it.
Life would be soooo sad

Jun said...

I agree, the internet is a great invention kaya lang may kapatid tayo na umaabuso. Remeber the Hayden-Katrina affair?

Susannah said...

Yes, I love the internet. I would have really loved having it when my kids were little, like yours. Alas, it wasn't invented. I guess that makes me OLD! :~D


Clarissa said...

I thought internet as used for exchange e-mails only at first--siguro I'm just and old fashion dahil I don't have an interest with that dati o di kaya I'm just born na tanga talaga lol!But what I have learned with internet is that I gained a lot of friends!^_^

Dhemz said...

very helpful talaga ang internet sis...glad to know....honga pala internet din kau nagkakilala ni juan.....kami sa papel ang pen...hehheehe!

Rosa said...

wow lumalaki na anak mo ate rose.

visit my blog of sahmo /
rosamuth / life in palawan / istar blog / chikka blog / express liife / baby blog and pink precious

Unknown said...

Internet rocks!!! talaga bakla. Agree ko diyan how fast we can do all our paper works and stuff through internet. With the internet nagpang abot power bakla ranger natin waaaaaaa. haaay buhay bading, too many friends to visit only little time I have kasi mga teddy bears ko nagiging makulit na, mag hahire siguro ako ng dog whishperer nito aw, hindi pala aso mga anak ko hehehehe. Hala bakla ikaw muna dito sa blogland check the attendance maam, signing out muna ang isang bading, delikado na magkidlat and eclipse pa kung dalawa tayo dito magliwaliw lol. nytnyt bading kisses to your chikiting hugs for yah muahugs!!!

Pete said...

The web and internet is a great place. Made lots of nice friends like you! Cheers!

maxivelasco said...

hello rose! wow! dami mong blogs! hehe. kainggit ha!

oo naman. thankful ako sa internet. dito ko rin nameet si Bebe ko. hehe. and through internet, i am able to write down my thoughts and ideas.

hugs rose! stay happy!

Cecile said...

internet helped me met the guy for my dream and that is Matt!

thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences with the internet dear :-)

blessedmom said...

u have a beautiful family mommy! very adorable kids! love those cheeeeeeks! sarap pisilin! :D

take care mommy! thanks a lot for the visit ha and the nice comments :D

vicy said...

Thanks for the visit sis..I am great!!How about you??

Skippyheart said...

lovely layout!...and yes, Internet rocks!

btw, thanks for visiting my blog. :)

☆Mama Ko☆ said...

Bago nanaman layout mo dito bakla? as in vaklosh talaga unpredictable hindi maka decide kung anik anik hehehe. Bumyahe lang talaga ako dito bakla with may firefly para may ilaw pag uwi ko... just to laugh here we go ghahahahaha whoahahha hehehe natatawa ako sa comment mo bakla, salamat pinatawa mo naman ako ngayong gabi, ito binat na binat wrinkles ko. Ganito talaga pag umatake ang kabaklaan sa buhay kung anik anik ang sinasabi at lumalabas sa kukuti hehehhe. Inaantok ako kanina bakla kaya naisip ko ang blogthings at mga walang katuturan na mga salita, well of course birthday ni tsang dhemz kaya nag celebrate ako, yon lng yata ang may sense sa post ko, the rest puro kabadingan haaay, good mownin bakla, gotta go na, bukas ulit muah!!!

Chie Wilks said...

hello ate Rose...was here..thanks for the visit and for the comments... preho pala tau..i found the love of my life through internet also.. Tc and God bless te Rose

Dhemz said...

daan din me dito ulit sis...:)

about pala sa followers...nako ewan ko kung bakit umabot sa ganon...hehhehe..nag follow lang sila din I follow them back..wala man secret...hehehehe!

Margaret Cloud said...

I also like the internet, I would never discovered it if it was not for my son. He gave me a wonderful present, he gave me his computer with the works, even a printer. Thank you for coming by.

KunthanRaj said...

hi buddy nice cool blog keep up the great work...have a blow...:)

check mine and ping ur comments..

Total NonSense

eden said...

nice layout Rose..

i love internet too. It brings the world closer to us..

Azumi's Mom ★ said...

wow ang galing naman.. you're the 2nd person I know na successful ang lovestory which began thru cybernet.. CHeers... I love internet too, dyan din ako natuto magluto and nakakawala ng homesickness because you can chat with your loveones and friends.

Chris said...

i am happy to have internet connection too... i have gained lots of online friends and made a bit of income and seen a whole new world! :D

by the way, i have a special award just for you at

Chubskulit Rose said...

Hurray to the Internet! All of us have different exciting stories to tell when it comes to Internet technology!

Seiko said...

Absolutely right Rose.Ang laki talaga ng nagagawa ng booming internet w/ us.We can even entwined & blog lol.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Korek ka dyan ate seiko!

EJ said...

I am glad God put us together hon, its our Fate I guess.. We meant to be together.. FOREVER! LUVYA!

mhie said...

I agreed with you sis, internet changed so many things in our lives.

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