Tuesday, March 29, 2022

US Holocaust Memorial Museum

On the first day of our Washington DC Field Trip, our destination after our Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception tour was the US Holocaust Memorial Museum.  I am glad we went to the Basilica first because it  put our mind and body a little bit of relaxation before going to the Holocaust Memorial Museum.  The atrocities of the holocaust was the main focus of this tour to have a deep understanding of what has happened to all those people who died.  It was a moving and absorbing lesson that would break your heart thinking of the horrible  death they eventually suffered.
These shoes really gave me goosebumps as I looked at them.  
Just reading all the information gave me that overwhelming feeling of sadness and grief.

Here's the timeline of the German expansion.
There are some old pictures that were displayed on the wall.
I can't remember what this.  Some of the  display in the museum either has  writing information or there is an audio that they play to describe what you're seeing.
I remember watching the movie about Anne Frank and I thought that was scary but touring this place really put me into deep appreciation of how free we live compared to the scary situation they all had back then.
This illustration of the gassing was the worst for me.  
The model of an Aushwitz gas chamber and crematorium illustrated above.  This four gas chambers and crematorium was constructed at Auschwitz-Birkenau after 1942 represent Nazi mass murder in its most industrialized form.  Each of the four facilities could kill and incinerate an average of 1000 victims per day.  About 1 million Jews and thousands of non-Jewish victims were killed in the gas chambers.  This model of crematorium created by Polish artist Mieczslaw Stobierski, illustrates the steps of the murder process.
I can't remember the details of this display but I think it has something to do with the tagging or coding.
It was an experience I will never forget.  I know it was just a display but thinking about what those people have gone through really broke me inside especially the children.

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